These two photos sport odd color values. Electric plum even in natural light -- the Spiderplant that grows as a surprise within a wood near my house; Cerise but mottled -- the potted "geranium" I rescued from Big box of plants late in May. In fall, some plants burst forward with intense bloom color. Why? A last fling, as Rome burns? Make that "cools." I will take a slip of the Motley-Perlargonium inside to over winter. The spiderplant will yield seeds, should I remember to take an envelope on my bike routine.
Spiderplant or Cleome
Pelargonium splashed with freckles
References (16)
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Gardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: New Age SkinGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: New Age SkinGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Biogeniste ReviewsGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Max Profits ReviewGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Pure Forskolin ReviewsGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Derma Nova ReviewsGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Blackline EliteGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Native Garcinia ReviewsGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: all inclusive wedding venueGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Milwaukee OWI AttorneyGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Milwaukee OWI AttorneyGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Blackline Elite ReviewsGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Shred HD ReviewGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: v-tightgelreviews.netGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
Response: Forskolin Lean Max ReviewsGardening with MBloom - Journal - SATURATED COLORS OF FALL
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