Hortus Eystettensis
This book is significant in book design as well as botany documentation. The images are huge and true-to-life. Basilius Besler worked for the prince-bishop of Eichstaatt (Bavaria) in his extensive gardens. Said P-B wanted a codex or book documenting his garden. The book's title translates as The Garden at Eichstaatt. Besler worked for more than 16 years on this project. 'Hortus' -- like 'herbal' -- has come to mean botanical compendium.
Key: Left to Right
Sunflower (Helianthis), Centaura, Narcisisus, Calendula?
Lilium, ?, Rosa, Paeonia
Malva, Fritillairy, Iris germanica Prickly pear cactus
Hortus Eystettensis
von Basilius Besler
Nürnberg 1613
A facsimile edition of this important
hortus is available soon through this German Publisher.
Visit the British Library web exhibit about this fine book. See selected plates for sale here. I covet Plate 186, which looks like Turk's Cap lily (Martagon species), though 'tis called hemerocallis, which we know as day lily.
References (1)
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