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This just in, from Denmark

Courtesy of DR, I find this charming Danish "sister." We are both slightly mad for flowers and knitting. I may have to take this image down,lavl4.jpg as I am waiting for her permission to keep the thumbnail in my journal. So, enjoy this now. Apparently, Danes do not battle hollyhock rust. Or, this gardener is fey and fairy-charmed. A dear friend, PW, gave me a hollyhock seedling that will bloom in the next two weeks. I hope for pale yellow blossoms, as they are the hollyhocks of my dreams. (Dreaming in color is very pleasant, for all, but especially gardeners). Here is a word on DR. She knits, crochets, reads, and is very wise about many things, including prairie life on the broad expanse that is Mid-to-West Canada. I believe, that one day she will knit or crochet lichens. These handcrafted creations will be botanically accurate. She is very fond of lichens and makes personal study of them. I have such interesting friends. Lucky me.

NOTE: Click into this image to be transported to LiseLotte's gardening/knitting blog.

Posted on Sunday, June 22, 2008 at 11:39AM by Registered CommenterMinxterBloom | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for the kind words about my blog. It's quite okay for you to use the picture for this. I think some garden-enthusiasts would fight rust, but I'm not one. They will live... or they will die ;-)

June 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiselotte

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