Treasure from the Library of Congress
For fun, search on "flowers' at the Library of Congress "Prints and Photographs" collection. Here is one treasure that popped up. Two little boys at our swimming pool keep stripping leaves off so many plants on the grounds (I am the pool plantswoman.) Their parents watch these boys in action. I am tempted to put this sign up near some special trees. I am not sure this would help either the boys or their parents. However, 'tis the perfect sign, is it not?
TITLE: Enjoy - don't destroy
CALL NUMBER: POS - WPA - OH .01 .E56, no. 1 (C size) [P&P]
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZC2-5651 (color film copy slide)
RIGHTS INFORMATION: No known restrictions on publication.
SUMMARY: Poster showing two children picking flowers.
MEDIUM: 1 print on board (poster) : silkscreen, color.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: [Ohio : Federal Art Project, 1936 or 1937]
Date stamped on verso: Apr 5 1937.
Work Projects Administration Poster Collection (Library of Congress).
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