Permaculture and playgrounds: Part II
A company in England-- Willow Kits --will sell you willow whips and plans. You can build bowers, tunnels, arches, and teepees that within a year or so will sprout.
Love this idea. I will have to watch for willows on my bike rides.
I once grew sunflowers -- tall and gangly Russian Giant or Mammoth -- and Heavenly Blue morning glories through them. For two of three children. The last darling was not yet rooted. I did love the blue rambling in the yellow. But the thing with morning glory plants are the next generations: tenacious little sky blue urchins. Not entirely unwelcome, but my goodness, we do love some plants more than others.
Children, however, can be loved so completely and eachly: the miracle of love times itself and supercalifragilisticespeallidocious.
References (3)
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Response: MedquartersDirect.comGardening with MBloom - Journal - Permaculture and playgrounds: Part II
Reader Comments (1)
CP the company I work for uses will for tunnels and huts!