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Wish for fish?  Voila!

 I think often about a stock tank of fish in the side patio.  I worry about raccoons, mostly, and icing over, somewhat.  Winter time puts a great deal of gardening effort in stark relief.  I love my real dirt garden but I also love, perhaps more, the garden of my dreams.  Pardon me:  I should say gardens of my dream.

Note:  This is a google gadget.  You can click on the gadget to secure the code or explore others.  I find that most are a quick trip to install. However, with some browers, you may not be able to customize the background picture. Gadgets are not made by google, officially, but are crafted by energetic code monkey types.  ABowman made this fishey one.  I also like his spider ap and the hungry turtle ap.

Posted on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 05:54AM by Registered CommenterMinxterBloom in , | CommentsPost a Comment

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