More Christopher Lloyd
Foliage Plants (1973, revised 1985) - "…like every other author who wishes to be read, I have to be thinking of you even harder than you are of me..." I use this quote in my advanced composition classes where the true goal is to encourage students to write for audiences rather than themselves.
Of pear trees: "Since there is no fruit to write of, you might feel dismissive, but a good-looking tree is not to be sniffed at." Read his last column (2006), "The Charm of Fruitless Tress," for the Guardian here.
Cautionary tale: Pink is a difficult colour when there is too much blue in it. Sidalceas are a classic example. Watch out if the word rose appears in the name, such as 'Rose Queen' or 'Rosy Gem': chances are there will be a villainous element of blue included in its make-up. The one (as far as I know the only one) to go for is 'Elsie Heugh', which is pink with no element of blue to speak of. Read the entire Guardian article for good advice on color in the garden here.
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