Occasional journal posts in between gardening or working
Linnaeus, birthday of :)
Peter Collinson wrote to Linneas on April 20, 1754:
“My dear friend, we that admire you are much concerned that you should perplex the delightful science of Botany with changing names that have been well received, and adding new names quite unknown to us. Thus, Botany, which was a pleasant study and attainable by most men, is now become, by alterations and new names, the study of a man’s life, and none now but real professors can pretend to attain it. As I love you, I tell you our sentiments.”
Ref: See digitized correspondance list here (L5411), courtesy of the Swedish Linnaean Society, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Uppsala University and its library, and the Linnean Society of London, with the collaboration of the Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle.
These interesting plant names, using Linnaean classification of course, celebrate the day:
Hebejeebie Heads, 2003 (Plantaginaceae) a member of the Hebe complex; it has caused taxonomists anxiety because its classification is problematic. [Botanical Society of Otago Newslette
Narcissus assoanus Dufour. (rushleaf jonquil, a U.S. lily)
Musa L. (banana) Linnaeus wrote that he wanted this one word to do the work of three. First, it is named after the Arabic word for banana,muz or muez, acknowledging the role of Muslem cultures in popularizing the fruit. Second, it honors Antonio Musa, doctor to Roman emperor Augustus. Third, it honors the nine Muses.
Thalia L. (tropical plant, Marantaceae) Named after Johannes Thal (1542-1583), an herbalist who wrote a flora of the Harz Mountains, but also honoring Thalia, one of the Graces.
All from Mark Isaak in his delightful Curious Taxonomy
Gamer news
Ignore the gamer aspect, if you do not care for such pursuits. But, enjoy this trailer for Amanita Games and their Botanicula creation. Plant-inspired whimsy.
Greenhouse underway
Look at the gambrel bones in the winter afternoon light. This greenhouse is a total surprise and gift from a number of dear people. What shall I grow? Perhaps:
Sweet peas?:
Rodale's sweet peas in the corner.
Laughing Dog Farm sweet peas/hoophouse
Shelves covered in galvanized steel or zinc sheets?
Laminated Ikea fabric curtains to cover storage under the shelves??
Stock tank pond to keep humidity up in winter? Lettuces, spinach, peas, surely. Start unusual annuals? See if I can overwinter Salvia divornum?
Clematis anticipation
I did not move my more than ten-years old Jackmanii clematis because the plant was so happy in that location. Clematis call forth patience as years generally make them better in both spread and bloom set. I placed two clematis in the new cottage plot, hoping that this spring I will see blooms. They are:
(Both vines are from Bluestone Perennials. I have been buying from them for about ten years. I do miss their "three small pots" approach, because sets of three usually work so well in the garden.)
Both are vanilla-scented, which I will enjoy. However, I expect that I will need a few years for blooms such as these from the Beechwood Road yard.
I rescued a classic white-barred pink "Nelly Moser" from Home Depot. Perhaps she can go at the back corner near the gate. Can a small, well-behaved clematis be happy on a swinging gate? Perhaps.
For my greenhouse: a Lusterweibchen
of some sort, really. I simply must figure out a way to make one of these.
The term refers to antler-based, aerial, anthropomorthic scuptures that can be chandeliers. The Wikipedia entry is auf Deutsch!
See blogger Prunella Vulgarius's web exhibit by clicking into this image here from her page and see many others or simply search on Google Images. Thie very sweet one is by Albrecht Durer and held by the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum.
One of her images includes St. Eustace, with his vision of a crucifix carried within the points of an antlered stag. Somehow, these impulses are related: animal-based infrastructures upon which are hoisted symbols, with the bonus of illumination. Candlemas is coming. Imagine votives in such a structure on February 1.
You can wrap twigs with tape and buld up with white Sculpey. Or buy resin antlers from Cabelas here. Did you know that dogs can be trained to sniff out shed antlers in the woods? Well, get right on that. Or, try this nice DIY faux antler project. Expect a few posts on this in future. And, what does this have to do with gardening? Well, I have this greenhouse....