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Zone 7 with a touch of Zone 8?

In October I happened across this lovely specimen of Brugmansia or Angel's Trumpet.  The plant is a veritable TREE. Set in the back of this modest Edmonston, Maryland yard, this tropical plant is flourishing. From all appearances this Brugmansia must make do with winter. I will check to see if the owners mulch or wrap the branches with burlap. Look for an update in  late November. 2006_1010band0043.JPG

I was astonished to see this magnificant plant doing so well. Typically, Brugmansia is grown as a tender perennial in a large tub and hauled inside for winter.  I wonder if I can get away with this.  However, the plant is highly toxic, which makes me nervous. But ahh the scent:  lemon-kissed lillies. I was riding my bike when the smell took me aback. Backtracking, I found this. The image is not very clear as I took it while astride. The light is low -- approaching sunset -- and the Anacostia bike path is best in daylight.

This image posted at the Brugmansia society website shows a similarly yellow-trumpeted specimen in a large crate. I believe the setting is German. Be sure to enjoy the bright yellow cottage in the background. 

Posted on Monday, November 5, 2007 at 04:26PM by Registered CommenterMinxterBloom | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

Lovely! I tried, without success, to grow this plant in pots in my NoVA garden. I wouldn't worry about the toxicity much. They are widely grown in Hawaii and while living there I don't recall ever hearing any concern, re: children, pets, wildlife.

November 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterfrostbitten

I love brugmansia and tried to grow it in a pot. Eventually it got one flower in late September - just not enough heat and sun in Seattle. My cousin, near Pittsburgh, grows them outside and they are like small trees. She has a bodacious green thumb!

November 17, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermostlylurking

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