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If you install it, they will come

Look at my new neighbors, the darling wee people promised me by Dang Hippie: First let me introduce Little Miss Kokeshi from Japan.  She picked the squat little hobbit door to fit her sweet dumpling frame. I wandered out to the back yard, where St. Francis has stood watch since 1992 and was surprise to find another visitor peeping out from the chute to the radioactive waste tube in my back yard (links to Yucca Mountain).  The second guest is (Himself) Herr Jaeger from the Harz  Mountains of German.  

A German has relocated; he promises to pay rent by cracking nuts.

An international visitor; she beat the hobbit traffic!
How can you entice wee people to your yard?  Visit Dang Hippie's site. If you are really good and kind -- and you open a PayPal account toot-sweet -- you may be able to request hinged doors. His unhinged doors are equally charming. And, besides, the fairy folk have magic ways to whisk in and out. You know, open seseme, etc.

Posted on Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 11:55AM by Registered CommenterMinxterBloom | CommentsPost a Comment

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